
Emerald is a variety of the mineral beryl, with its signature green colour attributed to trace amounts of chromium or sometimes vanadium. The presence of these elements is what gives emerald its distinct hue, and sets it apart from other beryl stones such as aquamarine or morganite. Emeralds often contain characteristic inclusions, which are referred to as the ‘jardin’, French for garden, due to their resemblance to foliage within the stone. These inclusions can be seen as a sign of authenticity and are sometimes even celebrated as part of the stone's beauty.

Emerald is the birthstone for May, and the anniversary gift for 55 years of marriage. The vibrant green colour is thought to symbolise growth, renewal and abundance; making them a popular choice for engagement rings.

Emeralds are known for their vibrant green hues.

Wear & Care

Emeralds are durable stones, with a 7.5 - 8.0 rating on the Mohs scale. However, care should be taken if wearing in a ring every day, as the famous ‘jardins’ of the stones can cause them to be more susceptible to heavy blows or sharp knocks. If wearing emeralds everyday, superficial scratches or chips may occur, and we recommend yearly checkups on the stone. It’s always best practice to take off any fine jewellery for strenuous activities.

To clean emerald, use warm soapy water and a soft brush. Pat dry with a soft cloth, and store in a pouch or jewellery box without the piece touching other jewellery.

If in doubt, please feel free to Contact Us, and our gem experts can advise you.

Emeralds have been used in jewellery for hundreds of years. They’re used as the feature stones in these 1960s earrings.


Emeralds are revered for their lush green hue and captivating beauty. They hold a storied history dating back thousands of years. Ancient civilisations, including the Egyptians, Greeks, and Incas, treasured emeralds for their association with nature, fertility, and renewal. In ancient Egypt, emeralds were believed to be symbols of rebirth and were often buried with pharaohs as talismans for the afterlife. The Incas of South America considered emeralds to be sacred stones, imbued with the power to heal and bring prosperity.

Metaphysical Beliefs

Emeralds are associated with the heart chakra and are believed to promote love, compassion, and emotional healing. They are thought to bring harmony and balance to relationships, fostering communication and understanding. Emeralds are also believed to enhance intuition and spiritual insight, connecting the wearer with the natural world and the wisdom of the universe.

Throughout history, emeralds have been worn by royalty and aristocracy as symbols of wealth, power, and prestige. They have adorned crowns, jewellery, and ceremonial objects, gracing the courts of kings and queens with their radiant beauty. Today emeralds continue to captivate with their timeless allure, enchanting collectors, connoisseurs, and enthusiasts alike with their rich history and profound metaphysical symbolism.

A stunning clear emerald in the centre of a 1940s bombé ring by Boivin.